This weeks blog post will be focused on the movie Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back (1980), the sequel to the classic Star Wars: A New Hope (1977). Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back is a Sci-Fi/Adventure film that was released in 1980 and is directed by Irvin Kershner. Coming off the first film, this film had very high expectations to live up to the first film's success. But how does the sequel capitalize off the first film's success? By taking the elements of what made the first film good, and improve upon them. And one of those elements is the characterization. In the first film, the characterization was one of the strong points as every character had their own unique quirks and personalities. In this film, many of those characters from the previous film return, and new characters are also added into the mix and further improve that characterization. Speaking of that, the addition of Yoda in this movie adds a lot of fun and depth into the Star Wars universe. In the middle of the movie, Luke Skywalker goes to this planet called Dagobah to receive Jedi training from a Jedi Master called Yoda. And with Yoda's character, the audience can tell he is very wise and that he's been around for a long time after he stops joking around, even though Luke may not recognize this at first. His character also makes the Jedi and the concept of the Force very mysterious, and yet intriguing and cool. The character interactions are another strong point of the film, especially the interactions between Han and Leia, as their love for each other begins to develop in this movie, and the audience can feel how close they've gotten by their last conversation in the film, where a couple iconic lines are dropped.
The score and cinematography are fantastic as well. John Williams in this film, like the last film, delivers a film score that makes the audience feel like they are on a gigantic space adventure. This film also has some of the most iconic themes in a movie ever, like The Asteroid Field and Darth Vader's theme, The Imperial March. The cinematography is very pretty in this film, and the film still looks very good today. Every planet that the audience goes to has it's own good look and mysterious aura that makes the audience want to find out more about the world in these films. The action in this film is also improved from the first film, especially the lightsaber battle at the end of the film, which is much more improved from the lightsaber battle in the previous film. And the plot twist at the end of the film is still one of the most shocking plot twists in cinema history. Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back (1980) not only improves off of its predecessor, but it also keeps the audience on their toes from start to finish, and it establishes itself as a classic film in film-making history.